Limiting Beliefs & How to Overcome Them!

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 1.  What is a limiting belief?

 A subjective statement about the truth. A limiting belief is a state of mind, conviction, or belief that you think to be true that limits you in some way.

A limiting belief could be about you, your interactions with other people, or with the world and how it works.

There are moments in life when something happens. We make up a story about the why and the what. We start to live as if our story were true. Because we believe they’re keeping us safe.

“Self-esteem is the single most significant key to a person’s behavior.”

~John C. Maxwell

2.  What are some examples of limiting beliefs?

 - I am not good enough

- I am not smart enough

- I am not pretty enough

- I am not strong enough

- I am too young

- I am too old

- I am afraid of failing

- I don’t have the resources

- I am a victim of my circumstances

- I have already tried everything

- It’s selfish of me to want more

- I don’t deserve it

- All the good ones are taken

- I don’t have what it takes

- I am a bad person

- I can’t do that because…

- I am this way because…

- I can’t

- I am just average

- It’s not up to me, so it’s not worth the effort

- It’s not fair

- They are better than me

- No one likes me

- People will judge me

- I don’t want to get hurt

- I should be doing something else instead

- I don’t need this

- Nothing ever goes my way

- I’m having another one of those days

- When it rains, it pours

- I will never get through this

- Failure is in our family DNA

- That’s just the way it is

 3.  Why do we have them and where do they come from?

 ·      Upbringing

o   Most researchers agree that by age six, a person's belief system is fairly well formed. By then, youngsters have a pretty solid idea of what they believe to be right and wrong, fair and unfair, good and bad.

o   By the time you are 17, you’ve heard “No, you can’t” 150,000 times. “Yes, you can” 5,000 times.

·      Environment, Surroundings

o   We are a reflection of the status we are living in

·      Society, Stereotypes

o   Lower class, wrong side of town / state, race, sex, etc.

·      Other’s Opinions

·      Comparison

·      Low Self-Esteem

o   Fear

o   Self-doubt

The truth is, these stories are stopping you from getting the big results you’re looking for! 

Low self-esteem puts a ceiling on our potential.

As we think in our hearts, so we become.

Zig Ziglar said, “It’s impossible to consistently behave in a manner inconsistent with out we see ourselves. We can do very few things in a positive way if we feel negative about ourselves.”

Nathaniel Branden says, “No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgements they make about themselves. Every aspect of their lives is impacted by the way they see themselves.”

Nathaniel continues, “If you feel inadequate to face challenges, unworthy of love or respect, unentitled to happiness, and fear assertive thoughts, wants, or needs – if you lack basic self-trust, self-respect, and self-confidence – your self-esteem deficiency will limit you, no matter what other assets you possess.”

The value we place on ourselves is usually the value others place on us.

If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured the world will not raise the price. If you want to become the person you have the potential to be, you must believe you can!

Most people are naturally tempted to settle into a comfort zone where they choose comfort over potential. They fall into familiar patterns and habits, doing the same things in the same way, with the same people, getting the same results. ~John C. Maxwell 

4.  How do we overcome them?

1.     Awareness: Identify the problem (what is the root cause)

a.     In fact, self-awareness is the key predictor in success in life and business and it can be learned

b.     Identify what rituals are keeping you in that place?

2.     Ask yourself: Is this belief serving me or harming me?

3.     Intention: What do you want? (vision, be specific) State: I am NOT THIS belief!

4.     Develop unshakeable self-confidence (what you think about, becomes (e.g. boldness, self-confidence))

Life begins at the end of our comfort zone!

5.     Take back your power

a.     Stop blaming the outside world for your results

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” ~Gandhi

6.     Talk to someone about your limiting beliefs

a.     If you want to change your old, limiting story and create new empowering beliefs about yourself, to live a life of flow and inspiration, seek out the help that you need to make this happen for you.

7.     What needs to change? Your attitude. Allow for possibility.

a.     Change the way you think and talk to yourself. Be an encourager to yourself and others.

-       When you do a good job, give yourself a compliment

-       When you choose discipline over indulgence, recognize how you are helping yourself

-       When you make a mistake, don’t bring up everything wrong, tell yourself you are learning and growing. Forgive and move on.

b.     Some examples of positive self-talk

                                               i.     I’ve got this

                                             ii.     I can learn anything

                                            iii.     Nobody outworks me

                                            iv.     I am fearless

                                              v.     I am loved

                                            vi.     I am more than a conqueror

                                           vii.     I am bold and confident

                                         viii.     I am well able

Thoughts => Emotions => Actions => Results

c.     Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on becoming better today than you were yesterday. Improve and grow.

d.     Develop a clear path of action (set achievable goals (SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

                                               i.     Write down 12 goals you want to accomplish in the next 12 months

                                             ii.     Pick your most important and impactful goal

                                            iii.     Create a deadline for that goal

                                            iv.     Make a list of all the things that you need to do to achieve that goal

                                              v.     Commit to working on that goal every single day

                                            vi.     Consistency over time creates a habit, a new positive ritual

e.     Some actions to consider:

                                               i.     Seek a worthy cause

                                             ii.     Be intentional in all aspects of your life

                                            iii.     Eliminate negativity

                                            iv.     Choose who you hang around

                                              v.     Be consistent towards growth

                                            vi.     Add value to others by pursuing love and service to others

                                           vii.     See others as sisters and brothers who complement you

                                         viii.     Take responsibility for your life. We get out of our life what we tolerate.

 “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

~Franklin D. Roosevelt

You do have value

You can change

You can make a difference

You can learn

You can grow

You can become the person you were created to be

You just have to believe

Keep Focused and move forward  

Action Plan:

I am so happy and grateful now that…




Never give up and Never Settle!