It has been said that history repeats itself meaning things often happen in the same way as they did before. In the early 1900’s, the 20’s were referred to as the Roaring Twenties.
According to, “the Roaring Twenties were a period in history of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “consumer society.” People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same slang! The 1920s were roaring indeed.”
The ROARING 20’s
Will History Repeat?
How interesting… Are we facing a similar repeat of history a century later? In 2020, we have had several unprecedented and somewhat uncontrollable events occur and are in a forced disruption like no other and massive change is happening! In many areas, the ways of doing things from just a few months ago are now obsolete! We are now Zooming, literally!
What will 2020 be called in the history books to come? Here are a few ideas that came to mind in the theme of the Great R__________.
2020 The GREAT R__________!
Rebound – spring back from force or impact
Reset – to set again
Reinvention – to invent again or anew
Restoration – bring back into existence
Resurgence – rise again
Rejuvenation – to make young again
Revival – bringing back to life, an awakening
Renewal – to begin again
Reboot – new version, new beginning
Revealer – to make known, disclose, divulge
Only time will tell and we have something to say about it!
When I was 19 and in my first year of college, I faced tragedy on a scale that I never experienced before or since. My father battled cancer in a big way for four years and unfortunately was overcome. During the same timeframe, I lost both my grandmother and grandfather as well from my Mother’s side of the family. These three people were my closest relatives back then. But life didn’t stop. And thank God, neither did I. While I miss my family dearly, I have lived a blessed life and it keeps getting better!
In 2020, we have had a tough start. Many things have not gone in our favor and certainly not as planned. You might say the enemy has taken the lead so far. We are now halfway through the year, how will 2020 end? THE GAME IS NOT OVER!
I love sports! You can have the worst first half of your life and still have a chance to win the game. During my junior year of high school, I was back-up to the starting Quarterback and twice, we were down at halftime against both of our cross-town rivals. I was called into both games late in the third quarter and was fortunate to lead the team to comeback victories in both games. It is an incredible feeling to overcome adversity, great deficit, and claim victory!
Like in sports, life is never about getting knocked down but how we respond. How we get up and what we do then matters most.
My favorite college football team is the Texas Tech Red Raiders. They claim one of the biggest comebacks in bowl history. In the 2006 Insight Bowl, Texas Tech was down 35-7 at halftime against the Minnesota Gophers and even further in the 3rd quarter after Minnesota opened with a field goal. With the score 38-7, Texas Tech’s fast and high scoring offense was about to emerge for full display. The Red Raiders under the leadership of quarterback Graham Harrell tied the game in regulation and then won in overtime. It was an incredible comeback from an overwhelming deficit never been seen before. "We talked at halftime that we had a great opportunity to make history, and the reason people come to Texas Tech is to play all 60 minutes," said Head Coach Mike Leach, who fought back tears during a postgame interview. "Everyone felt like, 'Hey, we're going to win,'" said Texas Tech QB Graham Harrell, who was selected bowl MVP. "If you believe, good things can happen."
Down 31 Points
Texas Tech Rallies to WIN 44-41
Well, we may not be down 38 points but the enemy is touting an early victory. But what the enemy does not know is we are resilient. We are a determined people and have ALWAYS overcome! We are quick studies and have learned to adapt. We have pivoted our 2020 plans have found new ways to succeed. We are innovative and will not be denied.
Whatever 2020 gets labeled in the future history books, I believe it will be a comeback story! We will overcome and claim the victory!
Pull out your goals, your 2020 Strategy, your values, and get creative! Find a new way to get to your intended destination! Get motivated and let’s win this thing!
Please enjoy some great halftime speeches in the following links.
As Graham Harrell said, "If you believe, good things can happen."
Never give up, Never Settle and BELIEVE!