Be better!
I just completed my annual physical. I have been seeing the same doctor for the past ~10 years and three months into this 2020 crisis, I just obtained my BEST RESULTS ever! Yes! But unfortunately, the staggering news from my doctor was that I was the only one that had positive improvement in the same office during this crisis. Everyone else’s results are worse than last time.
Why the difference?
I believe it has everything to do with my approach to my spirit, body, and mind.
Everyone is living within their own story. And in every good story, according to Donald Miller of StoryBrand, there are four main characters:
The Victim
The Villain
The Hero
The Guide
I would predict that those with a negative annual physical result have fallen into the entitlement trap of being the victim or the villain in their own story. After all, 2020 has not started out the way any of us thought or would have hoped for. But, does that mean we are doomed? I think NOT!
Are you above average?
As for my story, I am targeting the guide! The one who has a plan, helps the hero eliminate the villain, and removes victim mentality. As the guide, my goal is to inspire and motivate people to overcome their limitations and live the maximum positive version of themselves.
Since March 1, I seriously stepped up my morning routine. I start with reading and centering spiritually. I then go to the gym and have increased my activity 3x over so far since getting into a solid routine. And finally, I protect what I input into my body and especially my mind. I eat well and pound positivity into my mind all day long! For you become what you think about all day long. I do not let negativity hand around!
I blogged recently about the power of a negative mindset and a few seriously damaging results. One of which stated illness is either started or exacerbated 83% with a negative mindset! To the contrary, a positive mindset makes you mentally and physically stronger to face off illness and live your greatest life.
We have been taught for a long time that most people fall into a category of normality. In fact, there is a statistically proven model called the graph of normality or otherwise known as the bell curve, that shows the categories people fall into. And the curve shows the majority of people fall into the middle section referred to as “normal” or “average”.
You can measure people any most any category and find the results basically fit into this curve. Standardize tests like the SAT and ACT (college entrance exams), annual performance reviews, level of spiritually, focus and execution on physical activity, etc. In fact, I was at the gym on Saturday morning and the only people there were in the way above average physical category, where I want to be and am headed! The rest of the people were somewhere else, being average.
Going to the gym is easy to do and unfortunately, easier not to. People gravitate to the lowest level acceptable standard.
I challenge you to raise your personal lowest level acceptable standard to better than average and see the difference over time. It is compelling!
Dave Ramsey has made a huge impact in people’s lives with the phase “live like no one else so you can live like no one else.” Push yourself above average now so you can live above average later. Live the life of your dreams, not settling for mediocrity.
There is good news!
No matter where you fall on the bell curve in any category, you CAN move to the better end. It takes FOCUS, dreams, goals, actions, accountability, and self-determination. You have to guard your input and your circle of influence. For what you focus on expands. We have this really cool feature in our brain called the Reticular Activator System (RAS). The RAS allows the brain to automatically take what you focus on and create a filter for it. Focus on the bad things and you will invite negativity into your life. Focus on the good things and they will come to you, because your brain is seeking them out. It’s not magic, it’s your RAS influencing the world you see around you.
Where is your FOCUS?
If we set our intent and focus, our RAS will help us out. Our brains look out for our interests. Our RAS is filtering through billions of pieces of data so we can see and hear and be what we want to be.
Malcolm X said, “That which do you do not hate, you will eventually tolerate.” People become impervious and numb to the person they are becoming. They minimize where they really are to avoid the pain of reality.
You will get out of your life what you will accept! Raise your standard!
It is YOUR story! The finish line will come! Will you let fate decide the result of your story or will you take control?
Be your life’s hero today! Accept the reality of where you are and get going for the next level of you. Be ambitious about it!
Believe that your past can never be bigger than your future and make it happen!
Never give up, Be Above Average and Never Settle for Mediocrity!